Premium Leather Handlebar Tape Black
Premium Leather Handlebar Tape Black detail
Premium Leather Handlebar Tape Black, side view
Premium Leather Handlebar Tape Black, plug detail
Bicycle Leather Handlebar Tape Souma Leather  Black full handlebars
Bicycle Leather Handlebar Tape Souma Leather Black front view
Bicycle Leather handlebar tape brown white background
Bicycle Leather handlebar tape brown side view
Bicycle Leather bar wraps on handlebars Brouwn, detail
Bicycle Leather handlebar tape close up view Brown
Bicycle leather handlebar tape bar end plug souma
Bicycle Leather handlebar tape brown video
Leather handlebar tape honey close
Bicycle and Leather handlebar tape side view
Bar end plug for leather handlebar tape honey, plug close-up
Full grain quality Bicycle Leather handlebar tape close-up
Bicycle with leather accessories and handlebar tape
Black Bicycle Leather handlebar tape with accessories packaging
Bicycle Leather handlebar tape packaging brown
Bicycle Leather handlebar tape with accessories, brown, packaging

Kožená omotávka na řídítka jízdního kola

Běžná cena1.779,00 Kč
Včetně daně. Poštovné

  • Free leather conditioner
  • Skladem, připraveno k odeslání
  • Inventář na cestě

Prémiová kožená omotávka na řídítka

Zažijte ultimátní jízdu s naší koženou omotávkou na řídítka z jediného souvislého kusu třísločiněné hovězí kůže, která zaručuje výjimečnou odolnost a dlouhou životnost.

Zkrátka se jen tak nepřetrhne ani nevytahá a stejně jako všechny naše ostatní výrobky bude díky patině čím dál zajímavější. Umožní vám pohodlný úchop a je snadné ji na kolo namotat. Součástí balení jsou zátky na konec řidítek pro elegantní vzhled a větší bezpečnost.

Ale neberte nás jen za slovo – podívejte se na naše recenze a zjistěte, proč cyklisté o naší kožené pásce na řídítka básní. Objednejte si nyní a pocítíte rozdíl na vlastní kůži.



  • Prémiová třísločiněná hovězí kůže pro přirozený pocit během jízdy

  • Rozměry: délka 210-215 cm, šířka 3 cm, tloušťka 2,5 mm ve středu, zužující se na 0,6 mm na koncích

  • Silná oboustranná páska 3M na spodní straně pro bezpečné uchycení

  • Součástí jsou zátky na konce řidítek pro elegantní vzhled a větší bezpečnost.

  • Dodává se s voskovanou bavlněnou páskou, elektrikářskou páskou a šestihranným klíčem pro snadnou montáž.

The tape wraps like any other tape, but it's made from one continuous strip of sturdy full-grain leather, allowing you to pull it tight for a secure wrap around the handlebars.

The plugs are easy to insert - simply slide them in and tighten them by holding down the plastic/leather part and turning the screw clockwise with the included hex key.

To cover the electrical tape, you can use the provided waxed thread.

For a visual guide, watch the short video demonstrating the process.

At Souma Leather, we are committed to providing the highest quality leather products. We are using only premium full grain vegetable tanned leather from the Virgilio Conceria Artigiana in Tuscany, Italy for all of our products. This full-grain vegetable tanned cowhide leather is characterized by a smooth grain side surface with deep, rich colors. This naturally tanned leather is the best, lasting and most natural leather kind which is produced.

We offer a variety of colors to choose from: Black, Brown, Honey, Blue, and Green. Among these, Black, Brown, and Honey are the perfect match for Brooks saddles. You can find more pictures and info here.

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Bar-end plug

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Daniel Blackwell
Great bar tap

I’m very happy with this bar tape. - I really like the quality and the feel when installed, but I needed another 10-15 cm ideally for my wrap. Otherwise great and the customer service was perfect.

Dávid Vécsey

This is my 'best ever' handlebar tape. Perfect fit and finish, Thank You

Beautiful product, excellent service

Received an absolutely beautiful product today. Gorgeous leather but the clear care and attention to detail really impressed me. I had a few issues with delivery due to Royal Mail failures. Souma Leather were fantastic and very respinsive in resolving this for me. All in all, one very satisfied customer who would heartily recommend to anyone.

Ian H
Buy once, buy well,

I bought this because I was tired of replacing the bar tape on my commuter bike, this has been on about 8 months and still looks fantastic.

I think if you look after this tape it will last for many years, the grip and feel is great in all weather. It is expensive but in the long run it will save you money.

Great tape

I was really surprised by the quality of leather and details on this handlebar tape. Recommended.