Unibody Leather Handlebar Grips for Brompton bicycle brown color white background
Brompton Leather Grips Unibody Souma Leather, Leather grip plug with logo
Brompton Leather Grips Unibody Souma Leather  brown color close-up
Brompton Leather Grips Unibody Souma Leather both handlebars, honey color
Brompton Leather Grips Unibody Souma Leather both handlebars in honey color matched with Brompton bag
Brompton Leather Grips Unibody Souma Leather, both handlebars in black color
Brompton Leather Grips Unibody Souma Leather black color from side
Brompton Leather Grips Unibody Souma Leather Black 130 mm close-up of side logo
Brompton Leather Grips Unibody Souma Leather Honey 130 mm close-up of side logo
Brompton Leather Grips Unibody Souma Leather  honey color matching the Brompton handlebar bag
Brompton Leather Grips Unibody Souma Leather honey color leather detail
Brompton Leather Grips Unibody Souma Leather red color leather detail
Brompton Leather Grips Unibody Souma Leather blue color leather detail
Brompton Leather Grips Unibody Souma Leather green color leather logo detail, white background
Brompton Leather Grips Unibody Souma Leather green color both handlebars, white background
Brompton Leather Grips Unibody Souma Leather green color leather logo close-up, white background
Brompton Leather Grips Unibody Souma Leather green color leather logo close-up, white background, different angle
Brompton Leather Grips Unibody Souma Leather green color leather stitching close-up, white background
Brompton Leather Grips Unibody Souma Leather green color, white background, one handlebar
Brompton Leather Grips Unibody Souma Leather green color, white background, one handlebar rotated

Kožené gripy na kolo Brompton - Unibody

Běžná cena1.779,00 Kč
Včetně daně. Poštovné

  • Premium Full Grain Leather
  • Skladem, připraveno k odeslání
  • Inventář na cestě

Unibody kožené gripy na kolo Brompton

Vylepšete své kolo těmito ručně šitými koženými gripy pro Brompton a klasická kola a získejte tím osobitý vzhled. Tyto rukojeti jsou vyrobeny ze silné lícová hovězí třísločiněné kůže a poskytují přirozený a pohodlný pocit při jízdě na kole Brompton nebo na jakémkoli jiném standardním kole. Nekloužou v dlani a jsou bezpečné.

Každý grip, navržený a vyrobený přímo u nás v dílně, je ručně přišitý k vnitřní trubce s objímkou z hliníku a zámkem. 

Vyberte si ze dvou délek, které se hodí pro vaše kolo: 115 mm pro starší modely Brompton a 130 mm pro novější kola Brompton a většinu standardních kol. 


  • Délka: 115 mm nebo 130 mm
  • Materiál: Silná lícová hovězí třísločiněná kůže pro odolnost a pohodlí
  • Šití: Ručně šité pro vlastní a rafinovaný dotek
  • Typ svorky: Hliniková svorka s bezpečným zajmykacím mechanismem pro pevné uchycení
  • Hmotnost: Lehké provedení pro snadnou manipulaci

Slide the leather grips onto the handlebar and tighten the lock on the clamp. Ensure you don’t over-tighten the bolt, as this may damage the grips; tighten just enough for a firm fit.

At Souma Leather, we are committed to providing the highest quality leather products. We are using only premium full grain vegetable tanned leather from the Virgilio Conceria Artigiana in Tuscany, Italy for all of our products. This full-grain vegetable tanned cowhide leather is characterized by a smooth grain side surface with deep, rich colors. This naturally tanned leather is the best, lasting and most natural leather kind which is produced.

We offer a variety of colors to choose from: Black, Brown, Honey, Blue, and Green. Among these, Black, Brown, and Honey are the perfect match for Brooks saddles. You can find more pictures and info here.


Finest leather grips

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
James Keith

Well made and very nice use.

Henry Little
Looks very smart

So far it's a great product with whom I'm very pleased. I did write to Marek to ask what an item in the package was - it was a small plastic pouch with a small piece of sponge and a container - I sent a photo - please can you reply to tell me what it is and what I should do with it? Thanks

Hello Henry,
thanks for the order and for such positive review on the product! I really appreciate it. The small plastic can contains all natural leather balm which I include for free with most of the orders. So you can take proper care of the your Souma products:)
On the picture which you sent I can see that there is small copper round item inside of the can. you can throw it aways as its not supposed to be in there. In my upcycling effords the cans for the leather balm which I am using sometimes contain these copper meshed circles as originalyl they were used to store them.



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