Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather Honey
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather lifestyle photo
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather Honey color on white
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather Black on Black background
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather Green
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather lifestyle photo with men using the wallet
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather man putting the wallet into pocket
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather honey color man paying
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather brown
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather brown lifestyle photo
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather brown with cards
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather honey with cards, man holding the wallet
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather black, woman using the wallet
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather multiple colors
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather Green, leaves as background
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather Brown
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather Black
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather Green
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather Blue
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather brown, back side
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather Black, back side
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather Blue, back side
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather Honey, back side
Apple AirTag Leather Wallet - Handmade card wallet with pocket for Apple AirTag Souma Leather, Green, back side

Apple AirTag kožená Peněženka

Běžná cena1.790,00 Kč
Včetně daně. Poštovné

  • US orders dispatched from US warehouse
  • Skladem, připraveno k odeslání
  • Inventář na cestě

Kožená peněženka na Apple AirTag

Ručně vyrobená kožená peněženka s kapsou pro Apple AirTag vám zjednoduší život. Navrhli jsme ji pro praktické využití, přemýšleli jsme o každém detailu. Má dvě přihrádky na karty a velkou kapsu na bankovky i mince. Pojme vše, co potřebujete ale… nenabývá na objemu. Peněženka je vyrobena z prvotřídní, rostlinně činěné kůže o rozměrech 10 x 7 x 1,5 cm (tloušťka se liší v závislosti na obsahu). Podívejte se na naše video, kde najdete tipy pro vložení zařízení AirTag (prodává se samostatně).


  • Apple AirTag kapsa: Snadné sledování pomocí AirTagu - Jednoduché upevnění AirTagu tak, aby nevypadl.
  • Dvě přihrádky na kreditní karty:

    Do každé přihrádky se vejdou až tři karty, což umožňuje rychle a pohodlně je vytáhnout, kdykoli je potřebujete.

  • Kapsa na bankovky/mince: Prostorná kapsa na peníze nebo mince, abyste měli vše přehledně uspořádané.

  • Prémiová kůže: Vyrobeno z vysoce kvalitní třísločiněné hovězí kůže, která zaručuje odolnost a opravdu elegantní vzhled.

Není potřeba nosit u sebe velkou peněženku. Stačí přejít na naši minimalistickou peněženku na karty se zabudovanou kapsou Apple AirTag. Budete si užívat elegantní a funkční doplněk každý den.

*Rádi bychom vás upozornili, že Apple Airtag není součástí balení a je potřeba jej zakoupit samostatně.

      1. Insert AirTag First: Begin by inserting the AirTag, as the pocket is designed for a snug fit.
      2. Position the Tag: First, push the tag into the right corner, then gently slide it into the pocket.
      3. Watch Demonstration: For a visual guide on the best way to insert the AirTag into the wallet, watch the short video.

      At Souma Leather, we are committed to providing the highest quality leather products. We are using only premium full grain vegetable tanned leather from the Virgilio Conceria Artigiana in Tuscany, Italy for all of our products. This full-grain vegetable tanned cowhide leather is characterized by a smooth grain side surface with deep, rich colors. This naturally tanned leather is the best, lasting and most natural leather kind which is produced.

      We offer a variety of colors to choose from: Black, Brown, Honey, Blue, and Green. Among these, Black, Brown, and Honey are the perfect match for Brooks saddles. You can find more pictures and info here.

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 118 reviews
      Charles Ladmiral

      Feels great and is super Handy

      Detlef Bleigel

      The Best

      Pauline Cooke

      Handled very efficiently. Thank you

      Cassidy M
      Review from our store

      My husband is happy with the quality of the wallet. Very quick shipping love it thanks

      Matteo B
      Review from our store

      This review has no content.

      Had a small shipping issue. Contacted the...

      Had a small shipping issue. Contacted the seller and responded immediately with a solution. Quick delivery. Item is great. Recommend product and seller.

      I'm so impressed with the design and quali...

      I'm so impressed with the design and quality of this wallet. I would highly recommend this item for sure.